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We are measured by whom we include: Practical approaches to optimize learning for all students 

Series Description

Please join us virtually for lightning talks and discussions about practical ways for faculty to enhance classroom equity and inclusivity for our diverse and global student population. 

This series is designed to enhance professional development for both fixed-term and tenure-eligible faculty in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at ASU, but all authenticated ASU Zoom users are welcome! 

Each 30-minute session will include a short presentation followed by a discussion.

Participants will have the opportunity to earn a Badgr digital credential for each session. 

This series is hosted and moderated by representatives in The College Dean’s Office: Linda Luecken, Miki Kittilson, and Kena Ray.

Spring 2021

icon of a bulb

Session 1: Inclusive Images: A Framework to Determine If Your Slides, Simulations, and Content Are Inclusive

Friday, February 12, 12pm to 12:30pm

Watch the video of this session:

Earn your credential for this session

Presentation Slides: Image Frameworks for Evaluating Inclusive Instructional Images

Framework for Reviewing Images and Representation

Presenter: Amy Pate, Associate Director, Teaching Innovation Center, School of Life Sciences

In this webinar, we'll share a rubric that will allow you (or your TAs) to review your course content for images that support our diverse student population at ASU. Thoughtful choice of images may lead to retention, student satisfaction with courses, a sense of belonging to our ASU community and to the profession to which they aspire.

Resources participants shared at this session

Session 2: Adopting Student-Selected Choices into Course Syllabi

Friday, February 19, 12pm to 12:30pm

Watch the video for this session: 

Earn your credential for this session 

Presenter: Katie Hinde, Associate Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Center for Evolution and Medicine

Professor Hinde will present approaches and considerations for integrating student choice into our courses to enhance student experience, learning, and outcomes. Elements of student agency are scalable from exam design to assignment options to tracks within the syllabus.

Resources shared at this session:

Session 3: Making Pedagogical Choices to Expand Voices

Friday, February 26, 12pm to 12:30pm

Earn your digital credential for this session

Watch the video for this session

Presenter: Terry Shoemaker, Lecturer, Religious Studies, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

This presentation spotlights one way to reimagine how information is delivered in online general education courses and a multi-disciplinary assignment that engages student's interests and developing expertise. In both cases, the framework of inclusivity is used to frame how instructors' choices impact course structures.

Resources shared in this session:

Fall 2020

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Friday, November 6, 12pm to 12:30pm

Session 1: Promoting Inclusion by Addressing Hidden Curriculum

Watch the recording here: 

Then, claim your Badgr credential here!

Presenter: Josh Thompson

Presentation Description: This talk will cover the concept of hidden curriculum and its impact on students from diverse backgrounds and identity groups. Hidden curriculum includes course content that is not explicitly addressed in a course but is required for mastery of the course or its elements. Because hidden curriculum is not explicitly identified, first generation students, international students, and students from otherwise diverse backgrounds can be disadvantaged by its presence in a course. Participants in this session will learn about hidden curriculum characteristics, identification, and ways to articulate hidden curriculum in course design.

Presentation Goals:  

  • Attendees will be able to articulate the meaning of hidden curriculum and will be able to explain how hidden curriculum reinforces historical inequity in accessing higher education. 
  • Attendees will be able to identify common course aspects in which hidden curriculum often plays a strong role. 
  • Attendees will be able to implement simple corrections to standardize hidden curriculum when appropriate and avoid non-inclusive hidden curriculum traps.   

Friday, November 13, 12pm to 12:30pm

Session 2: Applying Universal Design for Learning 

Watch the recording here! 

Then, claim your Badgr credential here

Presenter: Julie Allen 

Presentation Description: This session will cover the application of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to support students with diverse backgrounds, interests, and needs. How can we engage them, tie into their unique needs and goals, and create the space for each student to take ownership of their learning? In this short talk, we'll discuss the UDL framework and the simple, yet powerful guidelines it offers that can help you do just that.

Presentation Goals: 

  • Recognize the basic principles of UDL.
  • Determine whether UDL can benefit your students.
  • Identify UDL strategies you can implement in your courses.

Presentation slides: 

Resources shared in the chat:

ASM 294 Building Babies syllabus Dr. Katie Hinde of SHESC shared her syllabus, which demonstrates the main principles of UDL: multiple means of engagement, representation, action, and expression by offering two assessment tracks. From Katie: I designed a 200-level undergrad course that allows students to choose an exam or essay track through the course and then structured it so that the two tracks assess similar content knowledge and are equivalent in grading burden. And explains the pros and cons of each track for the students depending on their needs. There is also structured way for them to switch part way through the term.

Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success, a book by Andratesha Fritzgerald 

Friday, November 20th, 12pm to 12:30pm

Session 3: Promoting Equitable Learning with the Peralta Rubric

Watch the recording here!  

Then, claim your Badgr credential here. 

Presenters: Renee Pilbeam and DeAnna Soth

Presentation Description: This talk will focus on the award-winning Peralta Online Equity Rubric, its integration with ASU Online course development standards and how it can be applied to courses in any modality. Participants can expect to learn how to use this rubric through practical applications and strategies to increase inclusivity and foster equitable facilitation in their courses. 

Presentation Goals: 

  • Introduce the Peralta Online Equity Rubric and the standards for course design.
  • Discuss actionable implications for increasing inclusivity in Canvas courses.
  • Discuss equitable facilitation inspired by The Peralta Equity Rubric. 

Resources shared in the presentation:

Presentation slides