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It is each instructor's responsibility to ensure their course content is accessible (

Get started by accessing the resources below. 

Digital accessibility 

Digital accessibility means making your course, website, and other online content accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or the device they are using. Often, simple changes can improve access to digital content for people with disabilities, including:

  • Visual (e.g., blindness, low vision, color blindness)
  • Auditory (e.g., deafness, hard of hearing)
  • Motor (e.g., paralysis, cerebral palsy, missing/damaged limbs)
  • Cognitive (e.g., learning disabilities, brain injury, psychiatric disorders)

19.4% of U.S. undergrads have a reported disability. 

25% of student veterans* have a disability.

How to get started with course accessibility

Start small and make a few improvements. The first time you use Canvas' Accessibility Checker or Ally in your course. 

Some of the most helpful improvements for users are fairly simple to make:

More accessibility resources

ASU's Introduction to Accessibility 30-minute Canvas course:

Digital accessibility at ASU:

Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS):

Creating accessible course content from Teach Access:

ASU Learning Experience Accessibility quick tips and Ally: